Tuesday, July 16, 2013

And here we are

meet us by Poe Rozenberg

I've always sucked at proper introductions, esp. of myself. Still, that's hardly a valid excuse to never say anything about who it is that other people are reading words from. Did that make sense? It did in my head, but I never know how stuff from my head is going to translate, esp. when I've not been properly caffeinated.
In any event. I'm Poe and I'm your host for the evening. This lovely person with me in the photo is my RL partner, Jamie. We met nearly seven years ago on a little virtual chat program somewhat like Second Life called IMVU and you know that whole 'love at first sight' bullshit? Yeah, we had that. We spent two years connected virtually, before deciding to meet in person and since then, we've been living together. He's truly my soulmate and I love him, heathen that he is. (Don't be confused by the avatar; Jamie is male in RL, but prefers a female avatar. Though, in truth, it hardly matters to him either way of what he's thought of by anyone else.)
We've both been creating on the other site, IMVU for around six years or so and we created for a short time on Second Life under another name, Well Versed, for a few years, a while back. Because of some real life stuff, we had to take a break and decided to go back to IMVU, although our goal has always been to go back to SL and create there, again. So yeah. Here we are. Creating (for now) under the logo of 7mad;Ravens. He's now learning to mesh and putting out a few things that will be featured in the store, which is, for now, only on the Marketplace. We're in the designing phase of the mainstore, in world, at the moment and he's going to be building that. Until it's finished, I don't think we're going to bother with setting up anything inworld, only to have to take it down in the future, once the mainstore is built. I'm looking forward to it, because the design we're working on promises to be really fucking cool and I can't wait to see it come to life. Here's to hoping that nothing comes up to ruin shit for it.
As for 7mad;Ravens and what to expect from the store, I can only say that I'm a horse of a different color and one day I might feel like making this and the next day I'll feel like making that. I can sit here all day long and tell you what my plans are, but the next day, those plans may change. I get off on being a contrary bastard, it seems. So yeah. In the end, I'd just like to see people from all walks of life finding something inside the store that they might like. Anyway, I'm boring myself. And I need to work my RL job. G'day and all that shit.

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