Wednesday, November 13, 2013

Sneak Peek

Just a sneak peek at something that'll be coming to my shop, soon. I wanted a little something extra for an outfit that I'm working on for my kid's shop and I got that part finished, today. It's an original mesh that I've called Branchie Antlers, because one, I'm a bit lame with naming stuff, and two, because I wanted antlers that looked more like branches than deer antlers. I'm calling them antlers, anyway and that's that. They'll have resizer scripts in them, so you can make them smaller for your kid avis, if you want, or larger for your adults. Or you can leave them alone and say they're perfect, as is. Oh, the choices I give you. Because I'm nice like that.
Note: Even thought I made these to go with a complete outfit, I'll be selling them separate, as well.

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