Sunday, January 12, 2014

Look. Stuff.

With working seven days a week at my RL job and spending time with friends and fam (not to mention some me time, occasionally), I find it nigh impossible to accomplish all that I'd like to be doing, as far as my shop(s) go. Even so, now that it's after the mad rush of the holidays, I feel like I finally have the opportunity to manage my precious spare time, again. With that being said, I'm releasing a few things, tonight. The Axel Vest in three styles and the Slim.Jim dress shirt w/6 different colors of ties that complement the vests, if you wear them together.
In the works are some custom mesh goodies for an upcoming gacha and *keeping fingers crossed* we'll finally be setting up our inworld shop, hopefully within the month. Jamie's got the foundation finished and has a lot of the other pieces of the store built, so we're pushing for a late Jan/early Feb opening, if all goes well.
I feel like if I stop to let myself think about all I have on my plate, I'll easily be overwhelmed and will have to fight the urge to shut down and refuse to do anything, at all. I can be such a brat, at times. >.<
In any event, you didn't come here to hear read about me bitching, so yeah. On to the new shit.

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