Monday, March 3, 2014

A Pair of Mad Hatter's

With setup time of the Luck of the Irish gacha event coming up fast and being sick holding up our projects over the weekend, Jamie and I are now busting balls trying to get back on track. We're learning a lot about building and baking maps and what have you with this project, so even while I'm excited about the actual items, themselves, I'm even more so about the fact that we're learning and advancing our skills. To think that one day we might actually be able to make some of the things we've talked about making in the past is exciting to me. I'd love to wake up on the morrow and be like, SuperBuilder Man, or something. And yes, I'd wear a cape. That did tricks. Although, perhaps that would make me Batman.
I wasn't supposed to let anyone know that.
Oh well.
Anyway. Look. Gyazo gif doomahickey. Just a tiny preview of one of the hat bases. Nifty stuff to be added, later.

And randomly, because I don't want to do a whole other entry. A couple of pics. Yes, I know. I make a hot chick. Or perhaps it's the other three hot chicks that make my chick look hot. Either or. We're hot and that's all that matters. :D

Puddin' \ o / bear in my mancave. I love it. -.-

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